How Librarium will work and Operate in 2024 and onwards!


Librarium’s focus is that of being a constant supply of monster designs and associated assets. Given the bulk of content and asset variety I create, and also guided by what has been the voice of our community over at patreon through comments and road direction polls, the following work map was created:

  • There is a base quota of at least 8 and up to 16 full releases per month.
  • 16 new battler designs will be created on the following month after the patreon poll date where they win, and they will be added to the Early Access Upload as soon as they are available.
  • All pending materials from older dates pertaning to the period where I was style reeorganizing and figuring out this new workflow, will be created in the same “gradual grind” style I used during December 2023 to finalize all the 2023 battler designs, and  added to subfolders in the early access upload, making them available as soon as I clear and power through it, until their time to debut as a full release comes, this particular effort will be the reason why I might stick to only 8 full releases early into the year, but I promise I’ll power through this at the same level I powered through the 2023 designs which were pending but got completed!

Based on this, how does Librarium’s patreon operate, What is the benefit I get out of joining?

Librarium’s patreon grants access to all Librarium materials created after Mid 2021, according to your pledge tier, allowing you to claim Dragon Full releases over at my , all the latest full releases as they get created during the time you’re in our community, and also access to the Early Access Upload which is my battler and asset repository which receives very frequent updates as documented here. It also of course, comes with the ability to make your own suggestions to be featured in our polls!

I’ve been asked this a lot lately, but Librarium is not a group/circle/organization, I’m basically a one slime army fueled by the support of our community here so I am grateful beyond words for everyone who continues aboard on this ride and believes in this project!

I appreciate your patience and support so far, none of the improvements and content variety Librarium has arrived at would have been possible without you all!

I wish everyone a happy 2024, let us all give it our best once again!


umm hi ! I draw monsters !

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