Enter Phase III ! Announcements, New Theme Poll and More!


Hey everyone! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

With this post and the launch of our theme poll, the Third Librarium Phase begins!

And what exactly will the third phase bring with it? Let’s go over it!

Now you, as the user,  will vote on the theme which you would like to see the most periodically, rather than individual battler releases!

  • Phase III will have a bigger focus on animated battlers!

    That’s right! Phase II was all about statics, Phase III is the other side of the coin! Statics will still be released throughout the weeks at my own leisure though, so it’s not like they’re gone!

  • With the new focus on animated battlers a new release scheme is unveiled!

-First update of the month: Features up to 3 animated battlers from our patron choice poll , as well as up to 2 static battlers released at my own leisure!

Second update of the month: Features up to 3 animated battlers from our user choice poll, as well as up to  2 static battlers released at my own leisure!

Now you might be wondering what I mean by “up to x“, well, sometimes battlers will have dozens of parts and be extremely ellaborate, thus eating up more time! in situations such as those or when my calendar suddenly gets an unforeseen emergency, or when I have to work in additional video/website content for the Librarium
(Such as special release videos, available battler showcases,etc) or decide to update previous battlers, I may release less than 3 during said update,maybe 1, maybe 2 but never 0!

*The Librarium’s youtube channel will see a lot more usage!

Focused on showcases and the like for now!

So lets get voting! the user choice theme poll will run for the next 2 weeks and our winning theme will begin with the second July update! Happy dungeon crawling!

Ækashics ヾ(o✪‿✪o)シ


umm hi ! I draw monsters !

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